Thursday, May 3, 2012

Suhasini: Garment worker in India

Hi, my name is Suhasini Singh and I work in a sweatshop in Bangalore, India. I am 22 years old and am the only member of my family who is able to earn a living. I work long hours in a garment factory doing the same repetitive job of sewing cloth over and over again and with long 16 hour work days, 7 days a week.  I suffer from extreme backaches and some breathing problems due to constant bending over the table and doing the same repetitive motions. The rooms are uncomfortable with humid and stuffy conditions, and I am often dehydrated since the water isn’t suitable for drinking most times.  We aren’t allowed to go to the bathroom often, and if we are caught going to the bathroom too often, we will lose our jobs. I always feel on the edge at my job because one small thing could upset management and it would result in me losing my job! If you have any medical issues or pain, you have to work through them and if you dare take a day off for any reason, your salary gets cut. For instance, a few months ago, a woman a few rows over from me started having premature labor pains and was not allowed to leave work. Since she didn’t reach the hospital in time, she lost her child.  With all of this pressure we face, the low wages and long work weeks do not cover the cost of what we endure.  I only receive about 3,500 Rupees( which is about $87.50 U.S. Dollars) a month, and am forced to take out loans so we can keep the house. I am also a mother of 3 children and the burden of housework, taking care of my children and being productive at work is extremely stressful. I often skip most of my meals throughout the day because I simply do not have time for them and occasionally, I get gastric ulcers as a side effect. However, I need this job to keep me and my children alive. Without it, there is nowhere else to go. Unfortunately, I only have a few more years in this industry because they like to cycle us through as quickly as possible in order to keep productivity at its highest. After that, I don’t know what I am going to do…

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