Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ismael Dalramy

Ismael Dalramy may not have been a miner in the Blood Diamonds trade, but in 1996 he lost his hands due to the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). (Campbell, 1) He lived in the village of Koidu, Sierra Leone, a center of the production of diamonds in the eastern Sierra Leone. After his hands were brutally amputated, he walked 15 miles before collapsing. (Campbell, 2) A brave villager dragged him into a hut to help cinch off the blood flow before he continued on his staggering journey to a bush hospital. At the age of 40, Dalramy lost more than just his hands; he lost his farm, his home, and his family. The only thing he has left of his family is a ring that his son gave him some time ago. He was able to quickly take off the ring before both of his hands were cut off. (Campbell, 3)

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