Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Graciela Rodriguez: Mexico Foxconn Worker

Hello, my name is Graciela Rodriguez, and I am from San Jeronimo, Chihuahua.  My typical day consists of waking up, making tortillas for local residents as I have since I was 14, going to work for 9 hours and coming home to be a mother to my 4 children (Monk 2010).  I have worked at Foxconn for over two years now.  I was forced to get a second job because my husband was shot and killed two years ago and I now have to take care of my family on my own. Although a factory worker doesn’t get great pay, I don’t want to be involved in any illegal business, and Foxconn was willing to hire me the day I interviewed because of their need for more people.  I began just as the suicides in China were becoming prominent in the news, but I needed the job, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as the news claimed it was in China.  Things aren’t perfect, and I often need my neighbor to watch my children when I am forced to work late.  I wish I could make as good of money as my husband used to, but I am a woman, which means I only make 84% of what he did (Monk, 2010).  I am doing the best I can for now and will be praying I get a raise soon.

If you would like to help women like Graciela, working women in poverty, you can visit which educates women in Mexico on health and shows them the opportunities they can have to create a better life.

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