Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Akbar Mannem: India Foxconn Worker

My name is Akbar Mannem.  I have worked at Foxconn in Chennai, Tamil Nadu as an assembly line worker for over five years.  I began working there to take care of my wife and our 3 sons.  I pray every night that my sons don’t someday have to work in a factory as I have had to.  The long hours are stressful, the conditions less than great, and the worst part is the pay.  I have gotten a few raises here or there, but nothing to help me thrive. I make less than what we need to live, and my wife and older son also have to work to keep the family afloat. I feel like a failure as a husband making my wife work, but this is what has to happen for us to keep our home. The only other place I could work is the Nokia plant across town, but they have recently been said to underpay their workers as well.  I thought we were going to lose the house when the plant was closed a few years ago (BBC News, 2010).  My neighbor was one of the 250 workers who got sick from the pesticides that were sprayed, and was in the hospital for two days (BBC News, 2010). I am lucky I did not get sick from the pesticides, but the plant was closed down and we were forced to stop working for a week.  I know the China factory protested about their pay and working conditions, but we make much less than those factory workers at 81,520.94 INR annually ($1,530.80 USD) (BBC News, 2010). I don't have the resources to stop working and protest as they did in China. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I have my family to take care of.  I just hope I don’t let them down.

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