Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thiago: Argriculture in Brazil

Hi there! My name is Thiago Rodrigo and I work on a soybean farm attached to a soybean plantation in Brazil. Soybean farmers like myself experience strenuous labor because we have to pull the entire root of the soybean from the ground. We work from sunup to sundown and we are underpaid by Brazilian standards. I do not wear any protective clothing and I have to use pesticides which often times get on my skin. There is no running water or waste facilities, so the environment I work in is very dirty. With the tools we use, it is very common to get injuries while working. One of my friends who works in the factory on our plantation got his arm stuck in the machine and now he has no arm.  I work carefully, but fast, so I don't lose limbs and can continue working.  This job wouldn't be so bad if we got a little more money for what we do, but I can only keep working and keep my head down on the soybeans.

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